main presenters of the Taboo Forum lecture

The “Taboo” Forum: Discussing Difficult Issues

Sanna Erelä, Project Coordinator We have embarked on a new project in collaboration with Machaseh, a non-profit charity association. The project is a “Taboo” Forum discussion panel which will address topics most of us would generally prefer to avoid. The first discussion panel, on November 26th, was on the topic of domestic violence. We had […]

teacher teaching children in Shabbat School

Children’s ministry is now online!

Margarita Kantor & Sanna Erelä, Project Coordinators, with Jennifer N. In just the past few years, our Shabbat school seminars have served over 600 people from around 120 local Messianic congregations. As much as we rejoice in having reached so many people, we are aware that there are always people who wish to participate, but […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

Caspari-keskuksen työntekijä esittäytyy

Olen Kirsi Pylkäs Suomesta, iältäni 61 vuotta. Olen kotoisin Kouvolasta Kaakkois-Suomesta. Kotikaupungistani on Venäjän rajalle noin 100km; maanteitse Pietariin tulee matkaa 300km. Isäni suku muutti aikoinaan Savosta Karjalaan ja tuli sieltä sotien aikana siirtokarjalaisina Iittiin. Minulla on kaksi aikuista tytärtä ja yksi lapsenlapsi. Olen mummo yksivuotiaalle Minttu-tyttöselle. Asun mummojen lailla yksin kissani kanssa koto-Suomessa. Olen […]

man and woman standing in front of Jerusalem's Old City walls

Tutkimustyö messiaanista seurakunnista etenee

Jennifer, hallintosihteeri Caspari-keskus teki vuonna 1999 ensimmäisen perusteellisen tutkimuksen messiaanisesta liikkeestä Israelissa. Tulokset julkaistiin kirjana Facts & Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel (Faktoja ja myyttejä messiaanisista seurakunnista Israelissa). Nyt kaksikymmentä vuotta myöhemmin liike on kasvanut huomattavasti. Jeesukseen uskovia juutalaisia on muuttanut Israeliin paljon etenkin entisen Neuvostoliiton alueelta, ja messiaaniset perheet ovat kasvaneet, mutta […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

How Many Messianic Jews in Israel?

As many of our readers are aware, in 1999, Caspari Center was the first to publish in-depth research on the Messianic Movement in Israel, in the form of a book entitled “Facts & Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel”. Twenty years on, the Messianic movement has grown tremendously, through the immigration of believers from […]

The Alliance Church building in Jerusalem, premises of the Caspari Center

What Does the Future Hold for Us?

Elisabeth Eriksen Levy, CEO The Messianic Movement in Israel is growing and maturing. Nearly 40 years ago, when the Caspari Center was established, the movement of Jewish Believers in Jesus could have been compared to a small child who needed to be carefully nurtured and spoon-fed. Today, the situation is vastly different. The child has […]

man standing with his bible open and the city of Jerusalem in the background

From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth

Sanna Erelä, Project Coordinator I’m sitting in Christ Church’s beautiful historical garden with Michael Kerem. Here, one can enjoy a cup of coffee in peace and quiet, oblivious to the Old City of Jerusalem hustle and bustle just outside. Michael Kerem is a Messianic Jew living in Jerusalem, and a long-term missionary to Muslims in […]

man and woman standing in front of Jerusalem's Old City walls

Hvor mange messianske jøder er det i Israel i dag?

Jennnifer N., administrator Som mange av våre lesere allerede vet, var Caspari-senteret først ute med å utgi en dybdestudie om den messianske bevegelsen i Israel med boken «Facts & Myths – About the Messianic Congregations in Israel» i 1999. Iløpet av tjue år har den messianske bevegelsen hatt stor vekst. Mye skyldes innvandring av Jesus-troende […]

The Alliance Church building in Jerusalem, premises of the Caspari Center

Ny styringsmodell for Caspari-senteret

Elisabeth Eriksen Levy, internasjonal leder Den messianske bevegelsen i Israel er i vekst og modning. For nesten 40 år siden, da Caspari-senteret ble opprettet, kunne fellesskapet av jødiske Jesus-troende sammenlignes med et lite barn som trengte det meste. I dag er situasjonen en helt annen. Barnet har vokst opp og trenger mindre støtte. Dette er […]

Two Caspari employees, Alec and David, in the Caspari Center library, holding a book called Facts and Myths About the Messianic Congregations in Israel

Jeg heter Kirsi

Jeg er Kirsi Pylkäs (61) fra Kouvola sørøst i Finland. Avstanden fra hjembyen min til den russiske grensen er 100 km, og en biltur til St. Petersburg er 300 km. Min fars familie kommer fra østre Karelien (i dag Russland). Innbyggerne der flyktet til Finland under krigen mot Russland (2. verdenskrig). Jeg har to voksne […]