Mishkan is a unique international journal that provides a forum where issues related to the Gospel and the Jewish people are raised. Mishkan explores the critical issues facing Jewish evangelism, Hebrew-Christian/Messianic-Jewish identity and Jewish-Christian relations. Bringing academic excellence and contemporary relevance, expert contributions from both scholars and ministry leaders create a lively dialogue of theory and practice, giving unique insight into these issues.
As of 2014, Mishkan has solely been published online. You can view previous Mishkan issues in our archive, below. Printed journals are also available for purchase at the Caspari Center office in Jerusalem.
Mishkan Archive
Lessons from History
“John Wesley Speaking with Strangers: His Ministry to the Jewish People of Savannah 1735-1737” by Andrew Barron and Ketzia Barron
“Vilifying Judaism While Loving Jewish People: Ethical Reflections on the Life and Apologetic Method of Alexander McCaul” by Brian Crawford
“Jewish Missionaries to the Nations: Their Colorful Careers and Their Theological Significance” by Rich Robinson
Book Review:
“The Weird Apostle: The Strange Jewish Mission of a Global Game Changer by Ryan C. Lambert” by Knut H. Høyland
From the Israeli Scene:
“Play and Pray” by Joshua Teitelbaum Munan

Jesus-Believing Israelis Survey – Reviews and Responses
“The Latest Survey of the Israeli Messianic Movement: The Authors’ Invitation to Friendly Critique” by David Serner and Alexander Goldberg
“Finding Unity in Diversity” by Rolf Kjøde
“Jewish Believers in Jesus in Contemporary Israel: New Developments and Insights” by Yaakov Ariel
“Hidden Figures: What Known and Unknown Numbers Reveal” by Aaron Eime
“The Caspari Center’s Systematic Survey Gives a Comprehensive Picture of the Growing Messianic Communities in Israel” by Timo Vasko
“An Attempt to Appreciate a New Eye-Opening Survey” by Martin Rösch
“Response to Reviews of Jesus-Believing Israelis: Exploring Messianic Fellowships” by David Serner and Alexander Goldberg
From the Israeli Scene:
“Reflections on 40 Years of Caspari Ministry” by Knut H. Høyland
Book Reviews:
“Brief Book Notes” by Rich Robinson
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“Church Relations with the Jews during the German Occupation of Norway, 1940–45” Torleiv Austad
“Luther and the Jews: A Messianic Jewish Approach” Richard Harvey
“The Hermeneutics of the New Righteous Among the Nations” Olivier J. Melnick
“Hildegard of Bingen’s Vision of Synagoga: A Philosemitic Polemic and Its Modern Jewish Reception” Judith Mendelsohn Rood
“Christian Antisemitism’s Potent Recipe: Theological, Ethical, Ecclesiastical, and Political Ingredients in Historical Context” Brian Crawford
“Review of Rabbi Jason Sobel’s Mysteries of the Messiah: Unveiling Divine Connections from Genesis to Today” Richard Harvey
“Review of Evan Moffic’s Reading the Old Testament through Jewish Eyes: A Study of the Scriptures Jesus Read” Rich Robinson
“Brief Book Notes” Rich Robinson
From the Israeli Scene
“Anti-Semitism Lifts Its Appalling Head as Believers Dive into Conspiracies” Sanna Erelä
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“Church Mothers – Creative Women with Many Roles” Anni Maria Laato
“Deaconesses as Levites” Pauliina Pylvänäine
“Edith Stein and Me” Judith M. Rood
“Emilia Baeyertz: The ‘Jewish Lady Evangelist'” Rich Robinson
“Dared to Believe: The Story of Maisie Pillemer, a South African Missionary to the Jewish People” Andrew Barron
“The Israeli Take on the Female Question” Alec Goldberg
“The Place of Women in the Israeli Messianic Jewish Community” Vered Hillel & Lisa Loden
“A Catholic Approach to Messianic Judaism” Raymond Lillevik
“Jewish Christians in Puritan England” Richard Harvey
“Missionaries, Converts, and Rabbis” Rich Robinson
“Exploring Our Hebraic Heritage” Rich Robinson
“From the Israeli Scene: Israeli Coexistence Between Glass Walls” Tanja Shoshani

“Jewish Christians, Messianic Jews, and the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) in Christian-Jewish Encounters since 1945: An Overview” Ulrich Laepple
“Your Word is Truth: The Identity of the Bible as Two Natures” Raymond Lillevik
“Negotiating a Messianic Identity Through the Use of Space and Art” Christine Eidsheim
“New Technology on the Dead Sea Scrolls” Torleif Elgvin
“Review: Dual Citizenship” Richard Harvey
“Review: Fellow Travellers” Richard Harvey
“Thoughts from the Sidelines: Why Didn’t Jesus Bring Messianic Redemption to the People of Israel?” Torleif Elgvin
“From the Israeli Scene: Cross-Cultural Encounters with Shame” Sanna Erelä
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