Mishkan Issue 23, 1995 – World Trends in Jewish Evangalism

Articles:  “Jewish Evangelism Exists” “Present Trends in Jewish Evangelism in North America” “Jewish Evangelism in Britain Today” “Jewish Evangelism in Germany” “Jewish Evangelism in the CIS” “The Messianic Movement in Israel” “Jewish and Palestinian Believers in the Land of Israel/Palestine” “An Update on Israeli Russian Ministry” “For Further Reading” “Messianic Jews in Academic Work” “LCJE […]

Mishkan Issue 22, 1995 – The Shabbat

Articles: “May the Shabbath Day Become a Blessing” “A Messianic Jewish Understanding of the Sabbath” “Sabbath and Worship in Messianic Congregations in Israel – A Breif Survey” “From Sabbath to Lord’s Day” “So God Blessed the Seventh Day and Hallowed it” “The Sabbath as Holy Time” “Foundations of Messianic Theology: Following in Jesus’ Footsteps?”